L'Allaitement maternel est une application pour les mamans modernes. Elle aide a facilement enregistrer l'allaitement du sein, les biberons donnés, les expressions du lait, les changements des couches etc.This application allows moms to use the following useful features:★ hint which breast your baby has been fed from last time★ record time, duration, volume of feeding★ record baby weight before and after breast feeding, which allows application to calculate how much milk your baby drank up.★ record whether a changed diaper was wet or pooped★ track your baby weight, height and head circumference★ make miscelaneous tagged notes (doctor appointments, first tooth, vaccination, etc.)★ view the complete or partial history of all recorded activities along with miscelaneous statistical data.★ night mode★ both European and US units★ export to CSV (semicolon)★ database backup & restoration★ translation to the following languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Dutch, Italian, Russian, Czech, Slovak, Polish, Belarus, Ukrainian.
SupportPlease don't leave a low rating without any comment. It is easy to contact us if you find something bad.We will really like to hear from you even if you provide us with negative feed-back. Though we cannot promise that we improve the app exactly the way you wish, it will definitely help us to understand your needs and prioritize features for next development.AdvertisementsYes, this application is free but supported by advertisements, so we can keep developing the application.All permissions that the app requires are harmless and we do not collect or store any personal information.Best wishes to you and your baby.